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Message: “SERVICE – A Covenant Promise” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - February 27, 2022

SERVICE - A Family Feud

Genesis 4:1-16


God is good, and He created all things as good. He knows what is good for us and is intent on giving His people what is good. Eden was paradise for Adam and Eve. Then, the serpent came along and got Adam and Eve to doubt the goodness of God. They believed the lie, and everything changed. Paradise was lost.
Yet even as they sought to hide their sin, God came looking for them. In Genesis 4, we see that the whole world now is avoiding God. We are also introduced to two main characters who demonstrate either trusting in God or in self. What happens when someone persists in trusting self and resisting God? What happens to someone who persists in unbelief? Cain represents a three-step downward spiral.

Sermon Outline

I. Bitter anger Vs. 1 - 7
II. Violent hatred Vs. 8-9
III. Tragic departure Vs. 10-16

Scripture References: Genesis 4:1-16

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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