Zach Schlegel - March 13, 2022
SERVICE - A Tale of Two Cities
Scripture References: Genesis 4:17-26
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseGenesis 4:17-26
It’s easy for us to be busy and in such a hurry that we never stop and ask, “Where we are going?” Knowing our destination in life is important. What gets you out of bed each morning? For some, ambition for things gets them out of bed. For some, it is comfort and pleasure. We all live for something.
What are you living for? Where is that road taking you? You have to know where you are headed.
Sermon Outline
1. Kick envy out of the driver’s seat. Vs. 17-24
2. Boast in knowing God. Vs. 25-26
Scripture References: Genesis 4:17-26
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