Josh Strickland - December 27, 2020
SERVICE - To Seek and Save the Lost
Scripture References: Luke 19:1-10
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseLuke 19:1-10
It’s possible to be lost, yet oblivious to the danger because we don’t realize it. But if you’ve ever been lost and know it – the number one priority becomes getting help. After Luke 18 tells the story of a rich young ruler (Luke 18:18-30) who was blind to his lostness and unwilling to follow Jesus because his wealth, power, and self-righteousness provided the illusion of being safe, Luke turns to another rich man: Zacchaeus who realizes he is lost and comes to find a merciful Savior.
Sermon Outline
Those who know they are lost and come to Christ will find a Savior ready to save, for that’s why He came!
Scripture References: Luke 19:1-10
From Series: FBC Pastors | More Messages from Josh Strickland | Download Audio
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