Zach Schlegel - December 15, 2019
A King Who is Coming

Scripture References: Isaiah 9:1-7
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseIsaiah 9:1-7
When Ahaz, the king of Judah (the southern kingdom of a divided nation), faced the threat of Israel and Syria, God promised him and Judah salvation. All he had to do was trust God and take Him at His word (Isaiah 7:4-9). Instead of trusting God, Ahaz made an alliance with the Assyrian Empire. Soon, Assyria would come and wipe out Israel and Judah, but they’d keep expanding and wipe out Ahaz and Judah too (Isaiah 8:6-8). Trust anything or anyone other than God for salvation and in the end it will not save…it will destroy you. But if and when we fail to trust God, when we blow it, is all hope lost? In Isaiah 9, we see the power of God’s grace to overcome our sinful failure and offer new hope if we will turn and trust Him.
Sermon Outline
I. God’s grace creates new hope (9:1-3)
II. God chooses the weak to shame the strong (9:4-7)
Scripture References: Isaiah 9:1-7
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