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Message: “SERVICE – Adopted As Sons And Daughters” from Tyrone Moorehead

Tyrone Moorehead - June 14, 2020

SERVICE - God Our Help

Psalm 124: 1-8


When you experience crisis where do you go? Psalm 124 is a song of ascent, a psalm the people of God would sing as they traveled to Jerusalem to worship. Psalms of ascent give us pictures of what it looks like to thank God in the midst of trouble. These Psalms reaffirm a confidence in the saving power of God to redeem and to transform all things.

Sermon Outline

I. The Power of God’s Presence (124:1-7)
II. We Should Praise Our God Who Is Both Creator & Savior (124:8)

Scripture References: Psalms 124:1-8

From Series: "Lament To Ascent"

Worship Bulletin     Sermon Discussion Guide - Psalm 124

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