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Message: “SERVICE – Adopted As Sons And Daughters” from Tyrone Moorehead

Tyrone Moorehead - February 21, 2021

SERVICE - Walk in Truth

2 John


We are not on neutral ground when it comes to the truth; we are at war. Our flesh resists the truth, the devil seeks to deceive, and the world skews and twists it. Knowing there are teachers hanging around who claim to know the truth but proclaim lies…how can the church guard against being deceived? In his second letter (2 John), the apostle equips us.

Sermon Outline

I. Covered with the truth
II. Called to walk in the truth
III. Command to love one another

Scripture References: 2 John 1:1-13

From Series: "FBC Pastors"

Worship Bulletin     Sermon Discussion Guide - 2 John

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