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Message: “Finishing the Race” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - August 4, 2019

Finishing the Race

Guarding the Gospel

2 Timothy 4:6-8


What are you giving your life to? What should you spend your life on? No one wants to waste their life – living for something, laboring a goal, spending our time, money, energy and affections on something only to learn that it was the wrong thing, that we were headed the wrong direction is frustrating and heart-breaking. As Paul starts to close out his letter to Timothy, he knows the pressures the young pastor is under with all the competing voices calling for his heart. So, to encourage him (and us), to help him know what he should give his life to so that he (and the church) may guard the gospel, Paul holds up his example for Timothy to follow.

Sermon Outline

I. Keep the faith (4:6-7)
II. Love His appearing (4:8)

Scripture References: 2 Timothy 4:6-8

From Series: "Guarding the Gospel"

Sermon Discussion Guide - 2 Timothy 4.6-8

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