Zach Schlegel - May 9, 2021
SERVICE - The Words of Eternal Life
Scripture References: John 6:22-71
From Series: "That You Might Believe - Gospel of John"
That You Might Believe -Gospel of John
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseJohn 6:22-71
With God as our Shepherd, we shall not want (Psalm 23:1) – something the crowds that followed Jesus would have experienced as He fed the multitude. But to receive His provision, we (His sheep) must follow Him (our Shepherd). The problem for the crowds was that Jesus didn’t fit their mold, their expectations for a Messiah. So how can we trust God when we don’t know what He will do?
Sermon Outline
I. Get an honest self-assessment (6:22-40)
II. Stop grumbling against God (6:41-58)
III. Choose to come and trust in Jesus (6:59-71)
Scripture References: John 6:22-71
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John 6:22-71