Rob Mancuso - January 2, 2022
SERVICE - Life is a Breath
Scripture References: Psalms 39:1-13
Church of Upper Marlboro
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ClosePsalm 39
When you are guest in someone’s home, you know that your time is limited in their home. You don’t get overly concerned with the furnishings because you know that it isn’t yours to begin with. You are just passing through. What if we starting the new year thinking of our entire life in this manner? That we are just guests? That we are just sojourners? That our time here on earth is just the “hotel room” before we get to eternal home that Jesus has prepared for us in heaven? How would that transform our thinking about our time, resources, treasure or even our next breath?
Sermon Outline
I. How David responds in the midst of God’s discipline Vs. 1- 6
II. Where David’s hope is Vs. 7 - 13
Scripture References: Psalms 39:1-13
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