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Message: “SERVICE – Pray for One Another” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - November 15, 2020

SERVICE - Pray for One Another

SERVICE - Pray for One Another

James 5:13-20


Christianity is not a sprint, it’s a marathon – with joys, trials, and temptations along the way. It’s a race we run together as a church which means we care for each other along the way. There will be times in the race we’re weary, tired, discouraged – tempted to throw in the towel. So how can we persevere? How can we remain steadfast and patient so as to make it across the finish line? James ends the letter reminding us how.

Sermon Outline

I. Persevere by prayer (5:13-18)

a. Individual prayer (5:13)

b. Calling on the elders to pray (5:14-15)

c. Praying for one another (5:16a)

d. Encouragement to pray (5:16b-18)

II. Persevere by pursuing (5:19-20)

Scripture References: James 5:13-20

From Series: "Faith in Action – James"

Sermon Series on Book of James

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