Josh Strickland - November 28, 2021
SERVICE - If God Is For Us
Scripture References: Romans 8:31-39
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseRomans 8:31-39
What adjectives would you use to describe God? What adjectives would you use to describe how God thinks of you? When you experience trials or have certain fears and anxieties, you may begin to think that this must have something to do with what God thinks of you. You may ask, “What is He trying to teach me?”
By God’s grace, wise counsel leads us to remember that God is who He says He is! Our feelings, though real, don’t dictate our standing before God.
Sermon Outline
I. In Christ, God is for you. Vs. 31-34
II. In Christ, God will keep you. Vs. 35-39
Scripture References: Romans 8:31-39
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