Zach Schlegel - May 21, 2023
SERVICE - A Ladder to Heaven
Scripture References: Genesis 28:10-22
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseGenesis 28:10-22
After dragging the name of God through the mud and scheming to take the blessing, Jacob was alone and on the run as a fugitive. Is there a sense in which you can relate to Jacob? Do you know what it’s like to be a fugitive, on the run because of your own sin? Can you identify with his loneliness?
If we are honest with ourselves about our sin and guilt, we do know exactly what it is like to be on the run or feel like God is out to get us. What hope is there for a fugitive who is actually guilty? There is hope! In this chapter, we see Jacob is transformed from a fugitive to a pilgrim coming home to God.
Sermon Outline
1. Hear God’s promise. Vs. 10-15
2. Believe God’s promise. Vs. 16-22
Scripture References: Genesis 28:10-22
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