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Message: “SERVICE – A Letter From Jesus on Endurance” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - March 10, 2024

SERVICE - A Letter From Jesus on Endurance

Revelation 3:7-13


We live in a performance-based value system. Envy often motivates us as we labor for success and achievement. We anxiously work every day to do things to make our life comfortable, thinking that doing this is what is important.

In the end, all of it will be left behind. (Ecclesiastes 5:15) A wise person learns this and lives by a different value system. A wise person lives by God’s standard. In doing so, we are swimming upstream - against the current of the world. That can be hard, discouraging, and even dangerous. How can we persevere and make it across the finish line of faith?

The church in Philadelphia was one of two churches that Jesus had nothing against. In vs. 7, He reminds this church who He is. He is the Holy One – distinct - set apart. He is God. He is the True One. The world is full of false teachers - frauds who spew out lies even from behind pulpits. He is the one who speaks what is true. And He has the key of David. The key symbolizes His authority and highlights His rule and reign. There is only one key, and He has it. It is THE key to open the door of heaven.

When we are anxious and afraid, our hearts begin to race. We are looking everywhere for comfort. Jesus says, “Look here!” “Behold” - I am the One you need! (Isaiah 26:3) Is your mind stayed on Jesus? Are you looking to the truth of who Jesus is as revealed in the Bible? What does He have to say to encourage a weary church?

Sermon Outline

1. Rejoice that you belong to God. Vs. 8-9
2. Hold fast to your confession of hope. Vs. 10-13

Scripture References: Revelation 3:7-13

From Series: "Revelation: Following Our Victorious King"

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