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Message: “SERVICE – A Letter From Jesus on Tolerance” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - February 18, 2024

SERVICE - A Letter From Jesus on Tolerance

Revelation 2:18-29


What do you think is wrong with the world? Have you ever considered that each one of us is what is wrong with the world because of sin? What if we asked a group of strangers, “what do you think is wrong with the church today?” We might get a variety of answers. When people air their grievances about the church, they think it is true of every church.

Jesus sent John seven tailor-made messages for churches that addressed something. Every church is different. Jesus' first message to the church in Ephesus celebrates their theology but tells them that they left their first love. When we come to the message to the fourth church, Thyatira, we see the opposite problem. They were warm and caring, but lacked discernment, putting them at risk of losing the truth.

The book of Revelation reminds us that God’s people are made strong and made to persevere by our relational knowledge of Jesus. Each letter begins with one piece of the portrait that John painted in chapter one. This truth about Jesus motivates us to live a holy life. Jesus, the Son of God, is the Davidic king that was promised in the Old Testament. (Psalm 2, 2 Samuel 7) He sees and knows all things. He sees the mind and hearts of all. He is a mighty King and Judge who tramples His enemies. How do we avoid simple compromises that will grieve the King of kings?

Sermon Outline

1. Grow in God’s grace. Vs. 19
2. Uproot the poisonous lies that lead to compromises. Vs. 20-23
3. Hold fast to the truth. Vs. 24-29

Scripture References: Revelation 2:18-29

From Series: "Revelation: Following Our Victorious King"

Family Guide for 2.18.24     February 18 Digital Bulletin     Sermon Discussion Guide - Revelation 2, 18-29

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