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Message: “SERVICE – Are You Blessed?” from Rob Mancuso

Rob Mancuso - May 30, 2021

SERVICE - Are You Blessed?

Matthew 5:1-16


God’s Kingdom is God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule. The Kingdom is already, but not quite yet. Soon and very soon, we hope this Kingdom will come to fruition in the return of Christ our King. Jesus in Matthew 5 lets us know more about how the people of his Kingdom should look and act. He says those who reflect these beatitudes are blessed. We often equate blessing with material goods, but to be blessed here is to be finally satisfied and content no matter the circumstance. Are you blessed?

Sermon Outline

I. Who rules the Kingdom? (vs 1-2)
II. What are the values of this Kingdom? (vs 3-12)
III. How should citizens of this kingdom act? (vs 13-16

Scripture References: Matthew 5:1-16

From Series: "FBC Pastors"

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