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Message: “SERVICE – Be Anxious for Nothing” from Tyrone Moorehead

Tyrone Moorehead - August 23, 2020

SERVICE - Having Ears That Hear

Luke 8:4-15


Have you ever been concerned to see someone who starts the Christian life in love with Christ and later to have fallen away? Have you ever wondered how some people can physically hear the gospel message, but go away unchanged by such a precious message? Have you ever felt like you’ve missed the message when the word of God is spoken? Jesus tells a parable in Luke 8 that will help us better understand what it looks like to hear the message and hear it rightly so that it affects our whole being forever. Jesus shows us a glimpse of what it looks like behind the scenes as the word of God goes forth and people are there to hear it.

Scripture References: Luke 8:4-15

From Series: "Faith in Action – James"

Sermon Series on Book of James

Worship Bulletin     Sermon Discussion Guide - Luke 8.4-15

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