Mike Rogers - December 19, 2021
SERVICE - Behold, I Have Come
Scripture References: Psalms 40:1-17
Church of Upper Marlboro
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ClosePsalm 40
The Psalms are the church’s songbook. What is contained in the Psalms was meant to be formative. They would be put in their mouths and sung, becoming a part of everyday life. They show what it looks like to live and walk faithfully in every stage of life. We are meant to be encouraged and exhorted by the Psalms. Psalm 40 instructs our praise and prayers.
Sermon Outline
I. Christians should praise and thank God for His deliverance in Christ. Vs. 1-10
II. Christians should pray with confident hope for future deliverance. Vs. 11-17
Scripture References: Psalms 40:1-17
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