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Message: “SERVICE – Betrayed, Denied & Questioned” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - November 7, 2021

SERVICE - Betrayed, Denied & Questioned

John 18:1-27


John 20:31 gives us the key to interpreting John’s Gospel. Wherever you read it, you should ask, “how does this help me believe that Jesus is the Christ?” “How does this help me believe in Him that I might have life in His name?” “Christ” is Jesus’ title that means “the Anointed One” or “the King.” He is the King of kings - the Lord of lords sent by God to crush the head of Satan and make all things new in a world that is broken by sin.

Usually a king’s coronation means prompt, majesty and grandeur. Jesus’ “coronation” is much different than what we would expect. In John 13:35 Jesus says, “Now is the Son of Man glorified.” His disciples expect a glorious coronation. But Jesus’ coronation is a one of humiliation. He is betrayed by Judas. He is denied by Peter. He’s questioned and ultimately nailed to a cross. So for the disciples watching this in real time, this humiliation may have tempted them to believe that maybe Jesus isn’t the Christ.

A lot of people today are good with the idea of a Jesus that they have created in their mind. But when He confronts us with sin in our hearts and the demands of walking with Him, excitement fades, and people walk away. Is Jesus your king today? Having Him as your king means following Him on the path to humiliation - first the cross, then the crown.

Sermon Outline

I. Jesus is in control. Vs. 1 - 12
II. Jesus is innocent. Vs. 13 - 27

Scripture References: John 18:1-27

From Series: "That You Might Believe - Gospel of John"

That You Might Believe -Gospel of John

Worship Bulletin     Sermon Discussion Guide - Romans 8:18-30

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