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Message: “SERVICE – Don’t Repay Evil with Evil” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - July 16, 2023

SERVICE - Don’t Repay Evil with Evil

Genesis 34:1-31


This chapter in Genesis is a very dark chapter. It is shocking to read. It involves deceit, greed, lust, and murder. Not one time is God mentioned in this passage. He was not sought after or prayed to. No one came to God. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all scripture is breathed out by God, and ALL Scripture is beneficial and useful for us. Sometimes life is dark. Dark texts like this are a gift for us to show us a path back into the light.

Jacob got through life as a con artist. In order for Jacob to experience the blessing that God had for him, he needed to trust God not himself. Jacob wrestled with God in chapter 32, and God changed his name to Israel. He reconciled with his brother Esau in chapter 33. We expect that he will go back to Bethel and live out his days in peace and blessing. But he doesn’t; he goes to Shechem. Why did he settle for partial obedience? Shechem offered an attractive compromise - it was an opportunity for him to get rich.

He had been a sojourner for so long. It was hard. But this world was not his home, and it is not ours either. (Hebrews 13:14) God is a jealous God. He will not settle for having half of our heart. Jacob had settled for partial obedience, and his spiritual compromises bore bitter fruit. One of the lessons from this text is that when temptation whispers to us - it is a lie. Sin is deadly. This is a loving warning to NOT settle for partial obedience. The Lord disciplines those He loves. Remember this! See God’s love. Heed God’s warning. Run with endurance.

Sermon Outline
1. Scene One: Dinah’s Defilement - vs. 1-4
2. Scene Two: A Hardened Heart - vs. 5-12
3. Scene Three: Deceit and Violence - vs. 13-30
4. Scene: God’s Mercy - 34:31-35:1

Scripture References: Genesis 34:1-31

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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