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CloseZach Schlegel - May 15, 2022
SERVICE - Fallen...Again

Genesis 9:18-29
To modern ears, finding Noah drunk and naked in his tent can sound strange. To interpret this text rightly, we need to zoom out and look at what came before and after this text. We need to look at the context which must govern the reading of scripture. Looking back to the first three chapters of Genesis, we can see some connections that Moses intends for us to make.
Genesis 9 marks a new beginning of creation after the flood. We see creation in Genesis 1 and 2. After the flood, we see a re-creation. Noah is presented to us in Genesis 9 as a second Adam. But we can see in this passage that he fails as well. We see the correlation, but “so what?” Why does Moses want us to hear an echo of Genesis 1-3 here in Genesis 9.
In Genesis 9, Noah’s family is in a nose dive. They are headed for disaster. When we move from Noah’s world in Genesis 9 and we move to our world today, we are meant to ask this question: “How should we respond when our sin leaves us in over our head?”
Scripture References: Genesis 9:18-29
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From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"
Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 9:18-29 May 15 Digital Bulletin
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