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Message: “SERVICE – Fear Not, I am Your Shield” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - July 17, 2022

SERVICE - Fear Not, I am Your Shield

SERVICE - Fear Not, I am Your Shield

Genesis 15:1-21


Ephesians 2:4 tells us that God is rich in mercy because of His great love for us. Sometimes you hear truths like Ephesians 2:4that and it seems too good to be true. We struggle to believe it.

Other times truths about God are hard to believe because of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Our experiences seem to contradict His promises. We ask, “Where is God now?” Pain and suffering can leave us doubting God’s love for us. We wonder if God sees and cares. We wonder if He is as good as He says He is.

Have you been through a trial that has caused you to doubt God’s promises or His love? Trouble that leads to fear can happen at any age. You look at the world and it seems so far from what it is supposed to be. It tempts us to fear. What do we do with the fear that tempts us to wonder if God is good? We need an “even if” faith?

Sermon Outline

1. Trust the person of God. Vs. 1-6
2. Hope in the promise of God. Vs. 7-21

Scripture References: Genesis 15:1-21

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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