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CloseZach Schlegel - August 27, 2023
SERVICE - Flee From Temptation

Genesis 39:1-23
Advertisers would like for us to believe that if we just try their product, order from their store, or participate in their activity that we will find happiness and contentment. But the happiness is temporary and does not provide the contentment for which our souls long.
If life goes according to your plan - the right school, job, mate, house, etc. - you might say that you are blessed. Yet when plans fail, relationships fall apart, dreams are shattered or illness lingers, you may not feel blessed. This chapter of Genesis will challenge the world’s shallow view of contentment. There is something better - a contentment that is beyond the reach of outward circumstances. There is One upon which we can fasten our hope.
At first glance, we may think that this chapter is about avoiding sexual temptation. That lesson IS there, but the main point of the text has to do with God’s presence. (Vs. 2, 23) Whether up or down, God’s people have hope, because God is with them.
Sermon Outline
1. Scene One: A light in a dark place Vs. 1-6
2. Scene Two: Tested by fire Vs. 7-20
3. Scene Three: Walking by faith Vs. 21-23
Scripture References: Genesis 39:1-23
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From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"
August 27 Digital Bulletin Family Guide for 8.27.23 Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 39:1-23
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