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CloseZach Schlegel - December 3, 2023
SERVICE - God Bless You

As you look at the lyrics of “Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel,” you will notice that it is a song of longing. God’s people are in mourning, in loneliness, exile, darkness, death, sin and suffering. It is a song that reflects waiting for God’s salvation. Waiting under the burden of pain, sin and darkness can leave us weary. Does that describe your life right now? Weariness chips away at our hope. A dark cynicism lurks in the shadows. Does it leave you wondering where God is, and will He actually do something? Are you just going through the motions? What have you placed your hope in? Has the weariness become too much? How can we go from being hopeless to being hopeful?
Jacob was blessing his sons here. He was also speaking prophetically – giving them God’s word for their future. The phrase “in the days to come,” that we see in the first five books of the Bible, refers to God’s plan to deliver His people and to restore His blessing that was lost because of sin. This blessing restores a right relationship with God. Sin left the world weary, in chaos and confusion – groaning. God’s heart to bless His people never changed. The Messiah, who was to come, would make things right. The Savior would come through Abraham’s family.
Sermon Outline
1. Blessed are those who trust God’s word. (49:1-28)
2. Blessed are those who trust God’ King. (vs. 8-12)
Scripture References: Genesis 49:1-28
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From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"
Dec 3 Digital Bulletin Family Guide for 12.3.23 Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 49:1- 28
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