Zach Schlegel - July 12, 2020
SERVICE - God & Government
Scripture References: Romans 13:1-10
From Series: "Christianity and Politics"
Worship Songs - July 12 Worship Bulletin Sermon Discussion Guide - Romans 13
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseRomans 13
When we talk about politics as Christians it’s easy to put too much hope in politics or assume nothing good can come of it. What is God’s purpose for government? How should Christians think about governing authorities?
Sermon Outline
I. God Authorizes Government for Our Good (13:1-5)
II. Love Fulfills the Law (13:6-10)
Scripture References: Romans 13:1-10
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Worship Songs - July 12 Worship Bulletin Sermon Discussion Guide - Romans 13
Zach Schlegel
Romans 13:1-10
Zach Schlegel
Ephesians 2:11-22
Zach Schlegel
Psalms 2:1-12