Danny Ryan - October 22, 2023
SERVICE - God is Holy
Scripture References: Psalms 99:1-9
From Series: "Behold our God!"
Reflections in Psalms
Oct 22 Digital Bulletin Family Guide for 10.22.23 Sermon Discussion Guide - Psalm 99
Church of Upper Marlboro
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ClosePsalm 99
When we consider the concept of holiness, we are thinking about the “set apart nature” of that object or person. When we consider the holiness of God, we see not only His “apartness” but the moral correctness of His divine nature. All His attributes are bound together and cannot be separated. We must look at the full expression of God’s character, and this aspect of holiness supports all the other attributes. It undergirds every aspect of who God is. Holiness is at the foundation of Who He is.
Sermon Outline
1. God is holy in His reign. Vs. 1-3
2. God is holy in His justice. Vs. 4-5
3. God is holy in His provision. Vs. 6-9
Scripture References: Psalms 99:1-9
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