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Message: “SERVICE – God Meant It For Good” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - December 10, 2023

SERVICE - God Meant It For Good

Genesis 49:29-50:26


There is a great danger when we have defective hopes. There are things that promise to deliver, but they can’t. We may skip through life with these hopes, oblivious to the fact that they could crumble. What happens when it all falls apart? Defective hopes put our lives on a roller coaster. How do we get off of this roller coaster?

When we come to the end of Genesis we will see two different funerals - one for Jacob and one for Joseph. Ecclesiastes says it’s better to go to a funeral than a party. Funerals, while painful, help us examine what we truly value. (Ecc. 7:2) A funeral calibrates our hopes so that when we arrive at our own funeral, we don't have any regrets

Sermon Outline

1. God is faithful, so live like a sojourner. (49:29-50:14)
2. God is sovereign, so live without fear. (50:15-21)
3. God has come for us, so live with hope. (50:22-26)

Scripture References: Genesis 49:29-33, Genesis 50:1-26

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

Dec 10 Digital Bulletin     Family Guide for 12.10.23     Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 49:20 - 50:26

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