Zach Schlegel - June 28, 2020
SERVICE - God our Hope
Scripture References: Psalms 130:1-8
From Series: "Lament To Ascent"
Worship Bulletin Worship Songs - Jun 28 Sermon Discussion Guide - Psalm 130
Church of Upper Marlboro
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ClosePsalm 130 1-8
We cannot live without hope, so where do you go to find true hope? In God! But how do we get there? What does the path look like? Psalm 130 shows us the surprising path to hope.
Sermon Outline
I. Come to God; It’s Worse Than You Think (130:1-3)
II. Come to God Because He Is Better Than You Can Imagine (130:4-8)
Scripture References: Psalms 130:1-8
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Worship Bulletin Worship Songs - Jun 28 Sermon Discussion Guide - Psalm 130
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