Josh Strickland - November 26, 2023
SERVICE - God the Giver
Scripture References: Psalms 50:1-23
From Series: "Behold our God!"
Reflections in Psalms
Family Guide for 11.26.23 Sermon Discussion Guide - Psalm 50 Nov 26 Digital Bulletin
Church of Upper Marlboro
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ClosePsalm 50
When you are sound asleep, what wakes you up? This may depend on your season of life. What if waking up meant enjoying rest? Those things don’t seem to fit together, but what if that blazing loud alarm clock was for your good? This is what God’s discipline works like. If you respond correctly, God’s discipline gives you rest. It is for your good and for His glory. As we look at this scripture, picture a divine courtroom.
Sermon Outline
1. God the Judge Vs. 1 - 6
2. The externally righteous Vs. 7 - 15
3. The visibly wicked Vs. 16-23
Scripture References: Psalms 50:1-23
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Reflections in Psalms
Family Guide for 11.26.23 Sermon Discussion Guide - Psalm 50 Nov 26 Digital Bulletin
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