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CloseBill Lowry - February 12, 2023
SERVICE - How Deep the Father's Love

Luke 15:1-32
Home. When you think of this word, a wide variety of thoughts may flood your mind. You could think of a place - a house or an apartment. You may think of the people with whom you have shared life’s joys and sorrow. You may think of it as a place of solace and comfort.
There is no place like home. Somehow, some way, home has a special place in the human heart. Our restless hearts are always looking for a place of rest and satisfaction. We look for this in many ways - a dream job, a spouse, getting to the “empty nest” stage, retirement, etc. But those do not satisfy or bring rest to our heart.
Jesus teaches this parable in the last month of His life on earth. He had been teaching that the only way to the Father was through Him. The Pharisees did not like this message, and they could not understand how Jesus could meet with sinners like you and me. While they were considered the model of religious living, they didn’t have a true relationship with God. To them religion was a job, not a joyful relationship. They had forgotten about loving God. (Matthew 22:34-40) Accountability to God had been replaced with accountability to and fear of man.
Jesus went to the lost. He knew that the “sick” people needed the Physician. And Jesus knew where our restless hearts could find true rest, healing and the answer for their soul. (Matthew 11:28-30) Jesus was eagerly waiting and receiving sinners.
Scripture References: Luke 15:11-32
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