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Message: “SERVICE – Is This Too Hard for God?” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - January 15, 2023

SERVICE - Is This Too Hard for God?

Genesis 18:1-15


Genesis is a book about beginnings - new beginnings. It’s a book about creation and new creation. In Genesis 12, God chose Abraham to be a great nation that would be a blessing to the world. Even before God makes this promise, we are told that Sarah is barren. (Genesis 11:30) God renewed His promise of offspring for Abraham in chapter 16. Abraham and Sarah continued to wait for an heir, but they became impatient. They took matters into their own hands. Abraham had a son with Sarah’s handmaid, Hagar. They waited decades. Sarah watched other women have children. She wrestled with bitterness, shame, envy and cynicism.

We can all relate to what it feels like to wait on God. Will God come through? Where is God? Can God change things? Does God care? Have you asked any of these questions while waiting? Here in Genesis 18, we see the tenderness and power of God.

Sermon Outline

1. God come to dinner. Vs. 1 - 8
2. God encourages Sarah. Vs. 9 - 15

Scripture References: Genesis 18:1-15

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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