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Message: “SERVICE – Laying up Treasure in Heaven” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - November 1, 2020

SERVICE - Laying up Treasure in Heaven


In the passage today, James pulls back the curtain of the divine courtroom to show the future judgment of the rich who oppressed the church. The aim is twofold: it brings comfort to believers who have been wronged and are awaiting justice. Secondly, it warns the believers of this danger themselves. James considers the poor to be those who are unable to provide for their own everyday basic needs then holds them in contrast to the rich. As Randy Alcorn says, “statistically if you have sufficient food, decent clothes, live in a house that keeps the weather out and owns a reliable means of transportation than you are among the top 15% of the world's wealthy.” Therefore, many of us in America will quickly fall into the biblical category of rich. James has a lot for us to consider as we read and reflect today.

Big Idea

Christian hope endures difficult days, by seeing the end God has for the wicked.

Scripture References: James 5:1-6

From Series: "Faith in Action – James"

Sermon Series on Book of James

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