Tyrone Moorehead - June 26, 2022
SERVICE - Let the Nations Rejoice
Scripture References: Psalms 67:1-7
Church of Upper Marlboro
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ClosePsalm 67
One of the things that God helps us to see in this psalm is the blessing and privilege we have when we experience His grace and share that with others.
This is a missional psalm. It emphasizes the worship of God and the spread of the gospel to all nations. Yet it has a personal dimension. In the beginning of the psalm, the writer asks for God’s blessing, and it ends with the writer expecting a blessing. We are to be a blessing to the nations by spreading God’s Word. God’s blessing comes to God’s people so that God’s salvation might be known throughout the earth.
Sermon Outline
1. Petition God for His blessings. Vs. 1-2
2. 2. Praise and worship His goodness. Vs. 3 - 5
3. Display His glory that all may fear Him. Vs. 6-7
Scripture References: Psalms 67:1-7
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