Zach Schlegel - January 16, 2022
SERVICE - Made in the Image of God
Scripture References: Genesis 1:25-31
From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"
Worship Bulletin Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 1:26 - 2:3
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseGenesis 1:26-2:3
If you ask someone how they are doing they might answer, “I’m blessed.” You’ll see “#blessed on social media, and it is often connected to material and earthly blessings.
How does this match how Jesus described being blessed in the Sermon on the Mount? Health, wealth, and prosperity are insignificant measuring sticks for blessing. They don’t focus on eternity.
We all want the good life. But what is the good life? What is the path to blessing? In showing us what it means to be human in Genesis, God shows us what it means to be blessed.
Sermon Outline
1. Reflect God 1:26 - 27
2. Represent God 1:28-31
3. Rest in God 2:1 - 3
Scripture References: Genesis 1:25-31
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Worship Bulletin Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 1:26 - 2:3
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 1:1-24
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 1:25-31
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 2:4-25
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 3:1-7
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 3:8-24
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 4:1-16
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 4:17-26
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 5:1-23
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 6:1-8
Zach Schlegel
Genesis 6:9-22, Genesis 8:1-22