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Message: “SERVICE – No Need for Fear” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - June 12, 2022

SERVICE - No Need for Fear

Genesis 12:10-20


In Hebrews 11, we see that Abraham was included in the “Hall of Faith.” When God called Abram, he obeyed and left the comforts of his home, livelihood and family. His faith is remarkable, but he isn’t the only one in Hebrews 11 that had remarkable faith. All those men and women from the Bible made trusting God look easy. Sometimes that can be discouraging because they seem super human. We look in the mirror, and we see fears and doubts.

When fear looks at the “what-if” of tomorrow, we are overwhelmed. We can’t control tomorrow, and things might get worse. So just like David, we long for escape. (Psalm 55:6)

Abram was not born a hero of the faith. When God called Abram, he was worshipping false gods. He had to learn to trust God. As we watch him learn, he will stumble along the way. Here in Genesis 12, we see one of those times.

We don’t want to live in fear. How did the heroes of the faith get there? How can we face the unknowns and the “what-ifs” of tomorrow with confidence?

Sermon Outline

1. Self-reliance is not the answer to fear. Vs. 10-16
2. The antidote to fear is the fear of God. Vs. 17-20

Scripture References: Genesis 12:10-20

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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