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CloseZach Schlegel - August 30, 2020
SERVICE - Be Doers of God's Word

James 1:19-27
In the beginning of James 1, we’ve seen how trials (a testing of our faith) however difficult can be a tool in the hands of a loving and sovereign God for our good. But in the midst of a trial, with all the pain, confusion, and fog…how can we navigate our way through such that we flourish rather than drift? James answer: God’s word. It is by God’s word (the gospel word) the Christian life begins (James 1:18). And, it is by God’s word, the Christian life is sustained and we grow. But it’s not a matter of having a Bible on our night stand. We must respond rightly to God’s word when we read or hear it preached. James shows us how a Christ follower responds to God’s word
Sermon Outline
I. Hear God’s word with an attentive heart (1:19-20)
II. Receive God’s word with a teachable heart (1:21)
III. Obey God’s word with a whole heart (1:22-27)
Scripture References: James 1:19-27
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From Series: "Faith in Action – James"
Sermon Series on Book of James
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