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Message: “SERVICE – Raised in Glory” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - April 17, 2022

SERVICE - Raised in Glory

1 Corinthians 15:35-58


Many people in the 1st century were trying to discredit the resurrection. Paul doesn’t treat it like a vulnerable truth though. He is inviting the skeptic to investigate it. The resurrection is so important that Paul says if there is no resurrection, then Christianity collapses.

Jesus’ resurrection was a resurrection of His body. And if Jesus has risen - the corpse of the believer will rise as well! This shapes not only how we die but how we live today. If we have no hope of the resurrection and this life is it, than the best we can do is enjoy the pleasures of the world today. You will never find contentment and joy in the things of the world. We are made for more. We are made for God. Our hearts are restless until we find our rest in God.

Sermon Outline

1. The resurrected body is reasonably. Vs. 36-44
2. The resurrected body is certain. Vs. 45-49
3. The resurrected body is necessary. Vs. 50-58

Scripture References: 1 Corinthians 15:35-49

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