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Message: “SERVICE – Spiritual and Physical Blindness” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - August 15, 2021

SERVICE - Spiritual and Physical Blindness

John 9:1-41


How can we have certainty that Jesus is the Christ? John 9 makes it clear that the reason people reject Jesus is a sinful heart, not because of any lack in Jesus. We need to have hearts that see and to have spiritual sight Jesus must open our eyes.

Sermon Outline

I. Scene 1: A Miracle (9:1-12)
II. Scene 2: A Denial (9:13-44)
III. Scene 3: Worship (9:35-41)

Scripture References: John 9:1-41

From Series: "That You Might Believe - Gospel of John"

That You Might Believe -Gospel of John

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