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Message: “SERVICE – Standing on Holy Ground” from Mark Tanious

Mark Tanious - January 28, 2024

SERVICE - Standing on Holy Ground

Exodus 3


Exodus is the defining book for God’s people, the Israelites. God delivered His people out of slavery to dwell with and worship Him. He did this by grace alone. Exodus is a beautiful picture of the gospel.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Exodus 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. God reveals Himself to Moses. It is the only place that He reveals His name which reveals His character. There is nothing more important than to know what God is like. What comes to your mind when you think about God? Is He a hard task master? Is He a genie in a bottle granting all of your requests? Is He a loving Father? Is your God eerily like how you think and feel? The most revealing thing about the church is her idea of God.

It is vital that our view of God be aligned to what He is actually like. We are created in His image, yet since the Fall, we have been creating Him in our image. Where do we get the idea that we can shape God into something “acceptable?” We need to rediscover the majesty of God. We need a fresh encounter with the holy God.

Sermon Outline

1. Learn to trust the wise and strange timing of God.
2. Be in awe of the incredible holiness of God.
3. Find your identity in the self-sufficiency of God.
4. Delight in the wonderful nearness of God.

Scripture References: Exodus 3:1-15

From Series: "Friends of FBCUM"

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