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CloseZach Schlegel - April 9, 2023
SERVICE - The Christ was Raised

John 2:13-22
Why do we exist? The catechism reminds us that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
That is why we exist. In the beginning, Adam and Eve enjoyed that purpose, but they believed Satan’s lies and
exchanged God’s good rule for self-rule. Self-rule doesn’t lead to life. Sin and rebellion leads to guilt, shame,
regret, and death. Sin leaves us separated from God and desperately looking for the way home.
Every human being has a deep longing in their hearts for home. Some try to close the gap between
themselves and a holy God with religion and being a good person. Others try to make it home by pursuing
beauty and pleasure. Still others try to fulfill a longing for glory in their hearts by pursuing wealth, applause and
the praise of man. We can deny that our heart’s longing is actually for God and suppress it. Yet the reality is
that God has created us and hardwired us with eternity in our hearts. If we go about our life thinking that the
longing can be satisfied with the temporary things of earth, we will be heartbroken, disappointed and
discontent. We won’t find the life we are looking for, and we will always be looking for the way home. Do you
understand the deep longing in your heart? Do you know that this is a God-given longing for your Creator? If
so, how do we get back? How do we find our way home again?
There is only One who has the authority to show us the way home. His name is Jesus. He’s not just a ticket to
heaven that you grab, put in your pocket and forget about. The Jesus we meet in John 2 is better than we
could imagine. Jesus is the life that our hearts long for. He IS the life! This is a big claim. Why should we trust
Jesus? Why should we come to Jesus alone for the life our hearts long for?
Sermon Outline
1. Trust Jesus because He cleared the way to God. Vs. 13-17
2. Trust Jesus because He IS the way to God. Vs. 18-22
Scripture References: John 2:13-22
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