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Message: “SERVICE – The Fear of Man is a Snare” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - February 26, 2023

SERVICE - The Fear of Man is a Snare

Genesis 20:1-18


In the dark, looks can be deceiving. Sometimes fear is an appropriate response. Many times our fear is not based on facts, reality, or reason. Our sinful fear results from looking at reality in the dark. Every day, we have a choice to live in fear or live by faith. If you could hear fear whispering to us, we would hear fear tell us that God is not enough and that we can’t trust Him. When fear takes over, it leads to disaster every time.

The readers of this text - the Israelites - often experienced fear. They thought that going back to Egypt would be better. They made sinful choices due to fear. If you are a Christian, and you have given into fear, do you think that your sinful failure will derail God’s plan for you? No - God will get us home.

Big Idea: God is going to get us home, not by our righteousness, but by His sovereign grace.

Sermon Outline

Scene One: The Crisis Vs. 1-2
Scene Two: God’s Sovereignty Vs. 3-7
Scene Three: Abraham’s Sin Vs. 8-13
Scene Four: God’s Sovereign Grace Vs. 14-18

Scripture References: Genesis 20:1-18

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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