Zach Schlegel - July 30, 2023
SERVICE - The Fruit of Demonic Wisdom
Scripture References: Genesis 37:1-36
From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"
Worship Bulletin Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 37:1-36 family guide for 7.30.23
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseGenesis 37:1-36
Do the trials of life cause you to question God’s goodness? Being a Christian doesn’t make us immune to tragic accidents, illness, family problems, loss of a job, grief over the loss of a loved one, etc. A tragedy like this can leave us asking, “Where is God? Doesn’t He see; doesn’t He care?” The psalmist expressed this feeling in Psalm 79. Even the disciples caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee asked Jesus, “Do you not care that we perish?”(Mark 4:38)
Have you asked questions like this? Have you asked, “God, where are you?” What do we do in moments of darkness? How can we trust God when we are in a pit, and we think that He is nowhere to be found?
Many people think that this story is all about Joseph. However, this is a story about God. While God is not mentioned, He is involved in every detail, fulfilling all His purposes. (Genesis 15) God’s providence is His sovereignty for your good. Even though Joseph couldn’t see God’s providence now, God was at work. Joseph would understand in the end. (Genesis 50:20)
Big Idea: When we are in the pits and God seems distant, trust God because He rules every detail of life.
Sermon Outline
1. God’s providence in dysfunctional families vs. 2 - 11
2. God’s providence in shattered dreams vs. 12 - 36
Scripture References: Genesis 37:1-36
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Worship Bulletin Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 37:1-36 family guide for 7.30.23
Zach Schlegel
1 Samuel 19:1-24, 1 Samuel 18:1-30