Zach Schlegel - April 25, 2021
SERVICE - The King in Charge
Scripture References: John 6:1-21
From Series: "That You Might Believe - Gospel of John"
That You Might Believe -Gospel of John
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseJohn 6:1-21
Nobody has to teach us how to be hungry. The preacher in Ecclesiastes tried everything this world had to offer and found that it was all a striving after the wind. There was nothing to be gained under the sun. Our hunger taunts us. God has eternity set in man’s heart. Why do we settle for less? Because we aren’t willing to trust God. John is going to teach us to trust Jesus as the one who gives life, not just a meal.
Scripture References: John 6:1-21
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That You Might Believe -Gospel of John
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John 6:1-21
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John 6:22-71