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Message: “SERVICE – The Last Will be First” from Mike Rogers

Mike Rogers - August 2, 2020

SERVICE - The Last Will be First

Matthew 19:16-30


What do you trust and rely on? All people respond to circumstances based on our perception of reality and not what is necessarily true. However, we cannot afford to be led by false perceptions of reality. We must look too God for truth according to His Word, in the Bible. Jesus makes it clear to us that God’s Kingdom does not operate in the same way in which the world operates. God’s economy values sacrifice and service far above respect or riches. Jesus calls all people to humbly forsake anything that would keep us from fully relying on God for our salvation.

Sermon Outline

I. God’s kingdom rejects the proud.
II. God’s kingdom requires radical surrender.
III. God’s kingdom guarantees great reward.

Scripture References: Matthew 19:16-30

From Series: "Jesus Wisdom From God – Gospels"

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