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Message: “SERVICE – The Lord Will Provide” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - March 12, 2023

SERVICE - The Lord Will Provide

Genesis 22:1-24


When we go through trials, we may often think that God should have given us the grace we needed for that trial a week in advance. But Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we can come boldly before God’s throne and find grace in time of need.

In our times of trials, we often think “How long, Oh Lord?” We wonder where God is and if He even cares. Trials that leave us asking questions like this can pose a threat to our faith. Will we make it? Will we trust God on the other side of the trial?

After reading chapter 22, we may wonder what God is thinking. Some will read this chapter and think that God is a bully, playing a cruel joke on Abraham. What do you see when you read this chapter? If we read it carefully in the context of chapters 12-21, we will see a loving father, a son who trusts his father, and a God who provides. We see God’s heart for what it really is.

The Big Idea: Trust God in trying times because He provided what we lacked so that we might live.

Sermon Outline

Scene 1 – The Test Vs. 1-10
Scene 2 – The Provision Vs. 11-14
Scene 3 – The Blessing Vs. 15-19

Scripture References: Genesis 22:1-24

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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