Zach Schlegel - September 6, 2020
SERVICE - The Sin of Partiality
Scripture References: James 2:1-13
From Series: "Faith in Action – James"
Sermon Series on Book of James
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseJames 2:1-13
James has been talking about what it looks like to remain steadfast in trials and remain faithful in the Christian life. Now he directs our attention to the sin of partiality. James reminds us in 1:26 that if we don’t bridle our tongues our religion is worthless – he reminds us in 1:27 that true worship (or ‘religion’) involves caring for those who the world may overlook (‘orphans and widows’). James helps us identify and overcome partiality that we may honor God together.
Sermon Outline
I. Understand what partiality is (2:1-11)
II. The cure for partiality (2:12-13)
Scripture References: James 2:1-13
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Sermon Series on Book of James
Zach Schlegel
1 Samuel 19:1-24, 1 Samuel 18:1-30