Zach Schlegel - October 11, 2020
SERVICE - Why Quarrels and Conflict Come
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Scripture References: James 4:1-10
From Series: "Faith in Action – James"
Sermon Series on Book of James
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseJames 4:1-10
Relationships can be challenging, but it is within the context of relationships we have the opportunity to reflect the goodness of God to others. This week, James helps us better understand what’s going on in our conflict and how we can respond in a way that honors God and promotes peace – not the disorder from worldly wisdom (James 3:15-16).
Sermon Outline
I. Identify the cause of the conflicts. (4:1-5)
II. Humble yourself to receive God’s grace. (4:6-10)
Scripture References: James 4:1-10
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Sermon Series on Book of James
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