Tony Edwards - January 1, 2023
SERVICE - To Give Life
Scripture References: John 10:1-10
From Series: "Why Did Jesus Come"
Sermon Discussion Guide - John 10:1-10 January 1 Digital Bulletin
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseJohn 10:1-10
How would you define an “abundant life?” Would it be the ability to travel? Would it be to have your bills paid? Would it be good health?
Jesus, the Shepherd – the source of life, provides far above what we could ask or think in this life. He provides life abundant.
Sermon Outline
1. The sheep are in need of The Shepherd for life. Vs. 1-5
2. The Shepherd is able to provide all that we need for an abundant life. Vs. 6-10
Scripture References: John 10:1-10
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Sermon Discussion Guide - John 10:1-10 January 1 Digital Bulletin
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1 John 3:4-10
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Tony Edwards
John 10:1-10