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Message: “SERVICE – When Conscience Condemns” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - September 17, 2023

SERVICE - When Conscience Condemns

Genesis 42:1-38


We want to think that people can change. However, if we are honest, we are skeptical about that. Since Genesis 12, we have seen a lot of dysfunction in the family of Abraham. We have seen favoritism, deceit, polygamy, betrayal, etc. Yet this is the family God has chosen - the one through whom He would raise up a Savior.

After reading the last 30 chapters, you might be left asking, “Is real change possible?” If you have been sinned against, do you think the person who wronged you can really change? Yoy may be looking in the mirror and wonder if you can really change.

The Bible says that God makes His people into a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Jesus tells us that we must be born again. (John 3:3) When we hear this, we can believe that real change IS really possible, even if it doesn’t happen overnight. How does this happen?

Sermon Outline

1. Scene One: An Awakened Conscience Vs. 1-28
2. Scene Two: The Moment of Decision Vs. 29-38

Scripture References: Genesis 42:1-38

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

Sept 17 Digital Bulletin     Family Guide for 9.17.23     Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 42:1-38

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