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Message: “SERVICE – Will God Do What Is Just?” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - January 29, 2023

SERVICE - Will God Do What Is Just?

Genesis 18:16-33


As we continue to look at the book of Genesis, we need to keep in mind how the Israelites are reading this. They had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, but God had promised them a land. Moses writes Genesis in order to show God’s people who God is, so they can move from fear to faith. When we are called to trust God when things seem like they are falling apart, we must know who God is.

We trust God because He is our hope. By His power, He makes all things possible. Yet power isn’t everything. If an all-powerful God is evil, then His power is bad news. If we are to trust in an all-powerful God, we must know that God is good.

The Big Idea of this passage: We trust God in hard times by knowing God is good all the time.

This text provides four snapshots of the goodness of God.

Sermon Outline

1. God calls us a friend. Vs. 16-19
2. God is attentive in His care. Vs. 20-23
3. God does what is just because He IS just. Vs. 24-25
4. God is patient. Vs. 26-33

Scripture References: Genesis 18:16-33

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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