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Message: “SERVICE – Wrestling with God” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - April 10, 2022

SERVICE - The Flood

Genesis 6:9-8:22


After the Fall, we see that there were two ways to live - two paths to follow. We must and will choose a path. Will we trust ourselves or will we trust God? We can go to church, sing songs of the faith, get baptized, etc., yet when trials come, we are tempted to rely on ourselves.

Here, Noah’s faith is put to the test. The flood is not just a cute story. It tells of a time in history when everyone and everything died in a watery grave except for Noah and his family and enough animals to repopulate the earth. What does this story mean to the children of Israel who were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years? There would be an entire generation who would die before they went into the Promised Land. There would be funeral after funeral. They may have wondered if God would be faithful to them.

The flood is an account of God’s judgement, but it is also a reminder of God’s mercy and grace. It is about God’s refusal to give up on His people. We must take God’s judgement seriously and trust God in the darkest days.

Big idea: Because God is faithful, we must prepare for His judgement and rest in His love.

Sermon Outline

1. Because God is faithful, prepare for His judgement. 6:9- 7:24
2. Because God is faithful, rest in His love 8:1-22

Scripture References: Genesis 6:9-22, Genesis 8:1-22

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

Worship Bulletin     Sermon Discussion Guide - Genesis 6:9 - 8:24

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